Press Accreditation

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Press accreditation is now closed; please contact if you have any questions

Accredited members of the press will be first to receive press releases and updates and get access to the following (all subject to capacity):

Digital screeners
In-person P&I screenings
Select tickets to public screenings
The GFF red carpet media pen
Press accreditation is available to individuals who work for print, broadcast, or online media outlets. Applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. We have a limited number of press passes, and accreditation is not guaranteed.

You must provide information about your media outlet and examples of previous coverage from the last six months. Please complete all parts of the form, as incomplete applications cannot be processed.

Press Accreditation Copy

Press Accreditation

Accredited members of the press will be first to receive press releases and updates and get access to the following (all subject to capacity):

  • Digital screeners
  • In-person P&I screenings
  • Select tickets to public screenings
  • The GFF red carpet media pen

Press accreditation is available to individuals who work for print, broadcast, or online media outlets. Applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. We have a limited number of press passes, and accreditation is not guaranteed.

You must provide information about your media outlet and examples of previous coverage from the last six months. Please complete all parts of the form, as incomplete applications cannot be processed.

Application Deadline

Press accreditation is open until 5pm Friday, 7 February. You will hear from the GFF Press team within 14 days of submitting your application.

Apply for Press Accreditation

If you are a photographer or part of a film crew seeking access to guest updates, red carpet photo calls, and press junkets (without full accreditation), please apply via the above link and specify you are requesting Photographer accreditation.

For questions, contact us at or (GFF Press Coordinator).

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Accredited members of the press will be first to receive press releases and updates and get access to digital screeners, P&I screenings, select tickets to public screenings, and the GFF red carpet media pen (all subject to capacity). 

Press accreditation is available to individuals who work for print, broadcast or online media outlets, and applications will be assessed on a case by case basis. We have a limited number of press passes available and accreditation is not guaranteed. In particular, we can only accredit one writer per outlet. 

You will be required to provide information on your media outlet and examples of previous coverage from the last six months as part of your application. Please ensure you complete all parts of the accreditation form as we cannot process incomplete applications. 

Press accreditation is open until 5pm Friday 9 February. You will hear from the GFF Press team within 14 days of submitting your application. 

Apply for Press Accreditation

If you are a photographer or part of an outlet’s film crew, looking for access to press releases, guest updates and details surrounding red carpet photo calls and press junkets – without requiring full accreditation – you can apply via the below instead. 

Apply for Press Photographer Accreditation

If you have any questions about accreditation, please contact us at  

For press-specific queries about GFF, please contact


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